
We hope you enjoy browsing the archives of South Brent Amateur Dramatic Society. So far we’ve added outlines and cast lists for every SBADS production in our archives, and uploaded over 1,500 documents including posters, programmes and photographs.

Our archives stretch back nearly 100 years: we have no photos from before the Second World War, but we have scanned, captioned and uploaded almost every single publicity photo in our archive from 1945 to the present day.

As well as providing an insight into South Brent’s highly-regarded drama society, we hope that there will be things that surprise, amaze or entertain you here; though we have to warn you that, being a historical record, there are a few things that might not meet modern standards!

If you spot anything that’s wrong, want something removed, or you have noticed something missing that you could add (yes please!), please let us know. You can e-mail archivist [ at ] sbadsarchive.co.uk.